
Thursday, March 28, 2019

prediction writing

in Mr breach's literacy's class and we had to write a prediction writing.

Friday, March 22, 2019

battle of words by Heather Christie

This term in Mr breach's literacy we are learning to look closer into the characters in books.

 My opinion of this book is i think it's good because i like how the character always makes mistakes.

The main character is p.s Mcguinity she's a funny character.

we did activity sheets about the character. They were called a character inference chart, word investigation chart and the last one was the question web.

My favorite part of the story was when they finally started talking to each other and started getting along.

I recommend this book to people that don't get along and people that like to read. I rate this book 4-5 because it doesn't tell you if she gets a dog.

This is a photo of the book I was reading.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Be the change

Today we have been doing some stuff about kindness. we had to brain storm what kindness meant and we had to write a poem about kindness we had to get some ideas about the brain storm we made before. what i found easy was getting the ideas that we had before. what i found hard was thinking of ways to write the poem. i liked doing this because it was pretty fun. this is my poem of kindness.

Thursday, March 7, 2019


this morning peter from Canterbury hockey came in we were learning how to dribble. we had to imagine the ball was stuck to the stick. next we had to learn how to dodge and stop the ball but we had to control the ball all the time. after that he showed us how to play a game similar to rob the nest but you had to use the hockey stick to get it out of the hoop and get it in yours.

what i found challenging was dodging the other people. what i found easy was playing the game and learning new favorite thing was learning how to dodge.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Amazing me

in cybersmart we were learning about shortcuts. this week we had to screenshot our all about me writing and create a blog post about it. what was challenging for it was creating a good title. what i found easy was doing the screenshot because its simple. but the fun thing was editing.