
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Persuasive Writing

hey reader's

 in writing at school we made a persuasive argument writing, it was pretty easy. these are the steps, first make a title then a introduction explaining a bit what your writing is about, next make three or four body paragraphs explaining some points that are good about the argument or bad about the argument, and last make a conclusion or what your writing is in a smaller version at the end. what i found hard was using the right words for what you are explaining about because you have to use some technical words in through some of your writing. lastly read through your writing and fix some words that could be better like group could be population. this is my writing below hope you enjoy. ;)

You should keep some animals in the zoo

Have you ever thought how many predators there would be to exotic and normal animals if you set them all free?

In my opinion, I believe that some animals should be kept in zoos, I believe this because there are lots of predators like lions, tigers, poachers (illegal hunters) the exotic animals might need help surviving so they can breed and keep there population.

Firstly, The predators as in lions can easily kill smallish animals such as foxes or in some cases they can kill tigers! Other predators include of tigers, some rodents hippos and elephants, but elephants don’t kill on purpose they accidentally stomp on them because elephants are herbivores. 

So would you let all of the exotic animals out and let them get squished and bit and sliced? no I wouldn’t!

Secondly, If rhinos and other animals that are endangered if you let all of them out then the poachers will probably kill them illegally. If black rhinos get poached then their population will easily die off because they are massively endangered their are only about five thousand left in the world. 

Would you rather let poachers kill all of the endangered species or lock poachers up?

Lastly, in my opinion the exotic animals should be kept in the zoos because quite a bit of the exotic animals are endangered. Because these animals are endangered they should be helped and cared for until they get old or healed.

Would you like to know that more animals are surviving? I would!

In conclusion, I believe that endangered animals should be kept in zoos so that they can be kept safe. These poacher’s and predators are endangering lot’s of different types of exotic animals like some frogs, tiger’s, lions, polar bears and also pandas. These are some are the cute animals most people like, and we are endangering them!

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