
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

How to Light a Bunsen Burner


I want to find out how to safely light a Bunsen Burner.


  1. Lighter
  2. Heatproof
  3. Bunsen Burner
  4. Safety glasses

  1. Get equipment
  2. put safety glasses on
  3. Connect the hose to the gas tap
  4. Turn the collar to close the air hole
  5. Put the Bunsen Burner onto the heatproof mat
  6. Put the lighter/match over the Bunsen Burner and then turn the gas on
  7. If your not using the Bunsen Burner turn it off or use a safety frame.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

What I've Learnt In Maths So far.

 We are learning about shaping up which is a mix of geometry and, well 3D shapes

In maths I have learnt about 3D shapes, this part of maths was quite tricky and I got the hang of it but it took about two weeks.

these are the dimension types, 

Length, Width and Height.

When you turn a circle into a 3D shape you could get a cylinder or a sphere.

where as when you get a square and turn it into a 3D shape you would get a cube.

but for a triangle you could get loads of different answers

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Hands On Fire!

  1.  Aim: 

I want to find out how to set my hands on fire Safely!



  • A large container\tray of water.
  • Detergent
  • Hose
  • Lighter
  • Gas
  • glasses
  1. Get the equipment.
  2. Fill container\tray with water about 2 cm deep.
  3. Put lots of Detergent In the tray.
  4. Connect the hose to the gas tap.
  5. Turn on the gas and bubble it into the water.
  6. Roll up your sleeves or take your jacket off past your elbows.
  7. Wet you hands and arms with water.
  8. Give a 10 five to Mr and then the fir will go out

When I did it I smelt burning of hair and smoke.

Before the thing I felt so scared I wanted to skip but I didn't so now i have a really good video.

I looked in front of me and was scared but the third time which isn't this time I held the fire for the whole time.

I heard this really loud pshhhew and then this big flame came up in front of me and I gasped in terror.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Reading: Inferring

Reading: Inferring

Over the past couple of weeks we learnt how to Infer, Its pretty easy but its quite hard to get the hang of.

Inferring is when you don't get told something in a text but you can use your prior knowledge to figure it out. For example if I make up a person called Lucy, 

Lucy says to her mum "can we go out shopping" Her mum Shouts back "No I Can't Afford It". 

This is an example of the author stating this, but if we infer we can also find out that Lucy's mum is in a bad state and she needs some love and that she is a bit bankrupt.

In this text I Inferred that the light was muted because they had no windows, all they had was a very dim light that would provide them little to enough light to see.

This text is called the promise if you want to read it

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Safety In The Lab

  1. Must follow the instructions given to you by the teacher.
  2. Must not enter the laboratory without supervision.
  3. Report any breakages.
  4. Shoes must be worn at all times.
  5. Do not eat or drink in the laboratory.
  6. If you spill something you tell the teacher then you clean it up.
  7. Wash your hands after experiments.
  8. A heat-proof mat should always be used when heating.
  9. If in doubt, ask the teacher.
  10. Never taste or smell chemicals.

1. Liquids do not go into the bins, because they will go down the sink.
2. Solids do not go down the sink because they will block it up.
3. Wear safety glasses when you do experiments,
because stuff could get in your eyes.
4. Put your chair under the desk, and stand at the bench
when you do experiments, because people could trip up.
5. Bags do not go on the desks, because because they could carry chemicals around.
6. Long hair should be tied back, because it will burn off.
7. Do not smell the chemicals, because you will pass out and possibly making you hit you head and die.
8. Walk, don’t run around the room, because you could trip and break something.
9. Do not eat or drink in the lab, because you could swallow chemicals.