In phonics I made a flip book about parts of speech.
I had to say what a noun, verb, adjective, pronoun & adverb was. I learnt that a noun is a person place or thing, I learnt that a verb if a word of action or experience, I learnt that a adjective is a word that describes a noun, A pronoun is a word such as he, she, it, the, this, her or his.
I am a Year 7 student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Thursday, November 14, 2019
keeping ourselves safe
on Thursday we did keeping ourselves safe
and we had to do three options to do with
Friday, November 1, 2019
te reo moari
for te reo moari we had to go around the circle and ask stuff in moari.
like this=====> kei hea te kei hea a
where is the where is a
like this=====> kei hea te kei hea a
where is the where is a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
zones of regulations stick man
Thursday, September 19, 2019
cyber smart
for cyber smart we helped Miss Morgan at making logos owned by google. I did one of Screencastify, my one turned out pretty good. this is a screen shot of my Screencastify.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
tracing and animaker

and it turned out really good but i could not do any of the cool textures and bits in it. this is what my one turned out like cause we used an untitled drawing. I think I did pretty good with my one.
Friday, August 9, 2019
fossil facts
for inquiry we have been looking at the different spheres that make the earth, earth the different spheres are biospere, the life geospere the earth crust and rocks and minerals, the hydrosphere all of the water on earth, and the atmosphere all the air. we made a sheet of fossil facts four facts about fossils and this is my one.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
2D aliens
for maths we had to make a 2D shape alien and it was pretty easy you just couldn't spot the same bit so it looks a bit weird but i guess it is an alien and we don't even know what aliens look like or if they are even real. the easiest part was building the alien after i have all the pieces of the alien. the hardest part was searching for the parts. this is my weird alien picture.
Today we have been learning how to use venngage to make a poster. We have just started making them so they are not finished. we got to make a free poster so i made this.
Thursday, August 1, 2019
in Mrs Williamson's strand maths group we are starting statistics so we are doing different types of graphs these include so far a tally chart/graph and a number graph.
the hardest part was remembering what stuff we need and that the different graph lines had to be apart.
the easiest part about it was that you just had to rule lines and it just wasn't that hard anyway.
this is my graph
the hardest part was remembering what stuff we need and that the different graph lines had to be apart.
the easiest part about it was that you just had to rule lines and it just wasn't that hard anyway.
this is my graph
Friday, July 26, 2019
statistacs charts
hey readers!
today for math strand we have been learning about statistics. we asked how do people get to school in class we did a tally chart about that question.
we figured out how a tally chart works and helps you out, a tally chart helps you out by an easy way of telling how different thing have different answers.
we also figured out that 17 people car to school 2 people walk to school no one usually bikes to school 4 people scooter to school and no one in our class buses to school.
one of the last things we noticed about telecharts that are useful is that they are one of the easiest things ever it was super simple and this is my work.
one of the last things we noticed about telecharts that are useful is that they are one of the easiest things ever it was super simple and this is my work.
Friday, July 5, 2019
in Mrs Mcguinits inquiry group we had a chance to choose a subject to learn about, test, and build. the four things to do were, parachutes, towers, bridges, and vehicles, for parachutes you had to make some sort of parachute to hold a Lego figure and land safely well what Mrs Mcguinity said was safe. towers what i picked you had to make a tower that could hold a basketball the basketball was the same weight for the tower projects. for bridges you had to make a bridge that could hold a cup with ten dollars. but for vehicles you had to make a vehicle that could go down a ramp with an egg in it and try to not make it crack.
cardboard stars
in miss williamsons class we did matariki stars this is what you need.
first you cut 12 equal slits in the circle cardboard. and then you copy the numbers in order here's a picture.
here's my one.
first you cut 12 equal slits in the circle cardboard. and then you copy the numbers in order here's a picture.
here's my one.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
word's instead of said
We are learning to use word's instead of said cause said's really boring if you just use it and use it over and over again. So i went onto word art and created a poster kind of thing to show people that using said's boring and to help them use other words. You can use so many word's instead of said to use. Like announced, or screamed, or yelled and so much more that is just like 3 out of 30 probably. the hardest part is probably putting ion the words the easy part is probably choosing the shape to put the words in.This is a picture I did about said.
Monday, July 1, 2019
matariki mathematics
in math's with Mr's Mcguinnity we looked at a photo of the matariki stars. we talked about polygons, polygons are shapes, shapes that connect. we had to use the position of the stars to make polygons or different shapes. the most simple polygon was this one. -------------------------->
the most complex one was probably this one. ------------------>
and these are other ones i did they were pretty hard though.
the most complex one was probably this one. ------------------>
and these are other ones i did they were pretty hard though.
7 stars,
moari new year,
seven stars,
sided shapes,
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
paper scissors rock
in Mrs williamsons literacy group we had to write a story about a video it was called paper scissors rock and the rock guy was really strong. when he touched paper he cracked cause paper beats rock. then scissors comes in. what i found hard about this story was paragraphs. the easy part was rewriting the video.
this is my story below.
this is my story below.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
what you need to do for altering is get a png or search up vector with the thing you want and put it on the picture. an alter is used to entertain persuade and inform. it is fun making one and you need a clear background for the pictures.
Murder Mystery Murder - in the orchesra
Today for literacy we were solving a murder sheet and we had to find out who murdered mark the cornet player!!! there were 32 people in the orchestra that might be guilty. then we had to cut out 2 sheets of cut outs there were five different sheets. next we had to put no in the boxes that the the people were innocent. we found out who was the murderer we got a prize and it was cool.
Hide and seek
- Walk fords untill you reach the punui-o-toka sliding door
- Turn right and walk fords until you reach the wet space
- Turn right again then walk fords then when you reach the paper go in the middle
And your there!!!
Thursday, June 6, 2019
straw rafts
In inquiry miss Mcguinity gave us a challenge. we learnt about the design process. the design process is when you plan, design and test a product or theory. sometimes when you test it it doesn't work but you just plan design and test again. in the challenge we had to make a straw raft made of twenty straws and a strip of masking tape float with Fourty grams of weight on it. me and Aries boat didn't make it so we redid the process of the design process our second one didn't make it either so we did it again but we didn't have enough time to test. after that we had to research how rafts float we found out that rafts need air but we only had straws.
this is a photo of our plans
this is a photo of us
this is a photo of our plans
this is a photo of us
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Tyler, Logan & Cameron comment feelings
In cybersmart we learnt how to write a positive and kind comment. we have to think if it is kind and then think if it is true. if it is not true you can't send it or don't send it. if it is not nice either definitely.
Monday, May 27, 2019
in Mrs Mcguinityś math group we did a buddy challenge it was called oink and cluck. my buddy was Toni. The challenge was actually pretty hard but still fun. I think the hardest part was that we had to do it in our math book and also we had to use different strategy's. the easy part was writing in the books. but we usually do it on the Chromebooks.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Direction's and position's
In Miss Williamson's math strand group we did something to do with direction's it was a map. I found it really easy to read the directions and complete it fast. I did'nt find anything hard cause it was really easy.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Wanted poster
for literacy it was different because zones had to go so we did´nt do literacy like we would usually do. we had to do a completely different thing. we watched a short movie and it was called pigeon impossible. there was 4 activity's that we could do but we could choose them and we only had to complete one well. the four activity's we could do were called wanted poster write a different story that the pigeon ruins write a news report or a comic strip. I choose a wanted poster. for a wanted poster we had to make a Pigeon on google drawing write why its wanted the last time he was seen how much money you get and its name. I found it easy to do the writing. I found it hard to make the pigeon. I liked doing this because you could make your own character. this is my work.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
private and personal inaformation
Friday, May 3, 2019
fabulous fortune teller
for literacy in mrs williamsons literacy we made fortune teller instructions. the thing that was hard was the writing first. the easy thing was typing. heres my instructions.
Fortune Teller
Materials: square paper colors fingers
- Fold in half unfold it turn it around once and do the same
- Do what you did before but diagonal
- Photo corners into the middle
- Turn it over and do the same
- Fold it in half were the lines are and put your index fingers and thumbs in the pockets and have so much fun!
Thursday, May 2, 2019
for maths in Miss mcguinitys maths group the yellow group got to do math games. the maths games were actually pretty good I choose two digit targets. it was pretty hard it took me two goes to do it and i still don't know if its right! the challenging part was that you can only use every number once. the easy part was resetting cause you just press a button. heres my one i did
Friday, April 12, 2019
treasure maps
in Mr Breaches literacy we had to make some treasure maps it was really fun. the best part of it was drawing the map. first we had to dip the A3 paper into water with teabags in it and scrunch it up we had to repeat it twice. next we had to wait for a HOLE NIGHT! then we had to do the drawing it was my favorite part. the last thing we had to do was color it in I did not like the thought of it but it looked good when it was finished. the hardest part was trying to not rip the paper when it was wet. the easiest part was drawing. this is a picture of my map.
it was a really fun thing to do for Mr Breachs last day of literacy.
it was a really fun thing to do for Mr Breachs last day of literacy.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
shifty shark by Susan Griffiths
in Mr Breach's literacy's class we are learning to look more deeply at the characters. my opinion of the book is that I like the book and i think people should start reading this book. the main character of this book is Archie the shark. while we were reading the book we had to do some charts they are called character inference chart character web and word investigation chart, I think they helped me understand the character because you had to write down things about the character. my favorite part of the story is when the shark eats the cheeky reef fish. I recommend this book to people that like fishing and people that like reading. I rate it 5-5 because i like fishing and also because the book involves fish.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Friday, March 22, 2019
battle of words by Heather Christie
This term in Mr breach's literacy we are learning to look closer into the characters in books.
My opinion of this book is i think it's good because i like how the character always makes mistakes.
The main character is p.s Mcguinity she's a funny character.
we did activity sheets about the character. They were called a character inference chart, word investigation chart and the last one was the question web.
My favorite part of the story was when they finally started talking to each other and started getting along.
I recommend this book to people that don't get along and people that like to read. I rate this book 4-5 because it doesn't tell you if she gets a dog.
This is a photo of the book I was reading.
My opinion of this book is i think it's good because i like how the character always makes mistakes.
The main character is p.s Mcguinity she's a funny character.
we did activity sheets about the character. They were called a character inference chart, word investigation chart and the last one was the question web.
My favorite part of the story was when they finally started talking to each other and started getting along.
I recommend this book to people that don't get along and people that like to read. I rate this book 4-5 because it doesn't tell you if she gets a dog.
This is a photo of the book I was reading.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Be the change
Today we have been doing some stuff about kindness. we had to brain storm what kindness meant and we had to write a poem about kindness we had to get some ideas about the brain storm we made before. what i found easy was getting the ideas that we had before. what i found hard was thinking of ways to write the poem. i liked doing this because it was pretty fun. this is my poem of kindness.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
this morning peter from Canterbury hockey came in we were learning how to dribble. we had to imagine the ball was stuck to the stick. next we had to learn how to dodge and stop the ball but we had to control the ball all the time. after that he showed us how to play a game similar to rob the nest but you had to use the hockey stick to get it out of the hoop and get it in yours.
what i found challenging was dodging the other people. what i found easy was playing the game and learning new favorite thing was learning how to dodge.
what i found challenging was dodging the other people. what i found easy was playing the game and learning new favorite thing was learning how to dodge.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Amazing me
in cybersmart we were learning about shortcuts. this week we had to screenshot our all about me writing and create a blog post about it. what was challenging for it was creating a good title. what i found easy was doing the screenshot because its simple. but the fun thing was editing.
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